Letter 103

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4th April, 1947
A devotee who was a frequent visitor to the Ashram arrived two or three days ago. Ever since his arrival he has been looking all round the hall frequently. I was expecting him to ask Bhagavan some questions. This afternoon he sat near Bhagavan and slowly commenced asking questions: “Swamiji! Everyone in this hall is seated with his eyes closed. Do all of them get results?”

“Certainly! Each person will get results according to his thoughts,” Bhagavan replied humorously.

Question: Vasishtam also says the same thing. In some places it is stated that human effort is the source of all strength. In others it is said that it is all divine grace. It is not clear which of them is correct.

Bhagavan: Yes, they say that there is no God other than the karmas of the previous birth, that the karma done in the present birth in accordance with sastras is known as purushakara, (human effort), that the previous and present karmas meet for a head-on fight like rams, that the one that is weaker gets eliminated. That is why they say one should strengthen purushakara. If it is asked what is the origin of karma, they say, such a question should not be raised as it is like the eternal question, which is earlier, the seed or the tree? Such a question is for mere argument and not for deciding finally what is what.

That is why I say, first find out who you are. If one asks ‘Who am I? How did I get this dosha (fault) of life?’ then there will be Self-realisation. Dosha will get eliminated and shanti will be obtained. Why even obtained? It (the Self) remains as it IS.” In Vasishtam, in the second canto of Mumukshu Vyavahara, there are slokas containing this bhava (import):

‘Who am I? How did this faulty samsara come into being?’

Such investigation is known as the ‘Path of Enquiry’ (Vichara). By Vichara, Reality is understood, and such understanding brings repose in the Self; then follow tranquillity of mind and cessation of all sorrow.

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